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Discussions about C++ programming for beginners
"C++ Questions"
on by TheIdeasMan
Windows Programming
Win32, MFC, ATL, C++/CLI, .NET ...
"How to use a library of C++ 20 modules from another solution file?"
on by jonnin
UNIX/Linux Programming
Programming C++ for UNIX and Linux
"Not declared Xvlib function during building"
on by keskiverto
General C++ Programming
Anything about programming in C++
"Why are there multiple multithreading frameworks?"
on by ElusiveTau
Discussions about this website, or other topics not related to C++ programming
"Happy (belated) 60th birthday Basic!"
on by George P
Job offers for C++ programmers.
on by George P
How-to's and other technical articles
"How to Make a Game 2"
on by anonymous23323124